Sunday - February 23,2025

Entertainment Careers

Producing movies and shows may seem like a daunting task that requires lots of school and experience. Many are afraid to apply for positions in the entertainment industry because they feel they do not have the proper qualifications. They fail to realize that some positions don’t need a specific resume. Here are some entertainment roles that do not require any special skills or training.

Background Actor

While it may seem grand and glorious to have your name at the beginning of movies or known across the world, a film would not be complete without the people in the back of a scene. You may not receive fame as a background actor, but you will not need acting experience to try out for these parts. Simple things such as walking down the street or being a part of a large crowd are the types of scenes you may find yourself in. While this position will pay, it requires long hours and tedious work.   

Script Writer

You may have an undeveloped talent for writing stories but wish to broaden your audience. For those who haven’t taken the proper classes they need to become top scriptwriters right away, they may be able to work their way up to the position without official training. You may begin on an editing team and work your way up to a sole writer, presenting producers like Heather Parry your esteemed work.

Costume Designer

While fashion is constantly changing and one person could determine the new wave of it, designing outfits for movies is a different idea entirely. Although an elite designer’s education is not necessary, you must have a creative art form. Each film represents its own time period, mood, theme, and flair, forcing its entire wardrobe to reflect these feelings and facts. This requires a lot of studying and time spent with the lead producers.

The entertainment world seems to be made of professionals and well-experienced individuals. Don’t be fooled though; you can play a key part in film making by working a lesser-known position.