MusicKatrina Stuart is making waves for her new album – ‘Under My Skin’.Mitchell PorterFebruary 15, 2020February 15, 2020 by Mitchell PorterFebruary 15, 2020February 15, 20200610 Katrina Stuart, based in Los Angeles, is making waves for her new album – ‘Under My Skin.’ when she was just four years old, she...
ArtsAre you up for Artwork with Assistance from Talented Artists?Mitchell PorterDecember 14, 2019April 7, 2022 by Mitchell PorterDecember 14, 2019April 7, 202206007 Most of us go to bed at night thinking about what productive task we have completed on a specific day. We usually either go to...
MovieWhat are the Impacts of Binge-Watching on YouMitchell PorterDecember 12, 2019December 13, 2019 by Mitchell PorterDecember 12, 2019December 13, 20190577 You sit down on your favorite sofa in front of the television after a long day at the workplace, as well as decide to begin...