Monday - March 31,2025

How To Take Care of Your Tattoo in Different Seasons Throughout The Year?

Getting a new tattoo is only the first step you have taken. The more intensive and tedious task still remains. Yes! We are talking about the tattoo aftercare. Taking care of your tattoo is an important thing you must be a part of. Without proper care and maintenance, your tattoo can get damaged in the long run. It’s a very sensitive thing to deal with and that is why you must be extra careful always. You must keep in mind that the tattoo is a fresh wound which needs to heal from the trauma. So, it takes time and effort to let the tattoo heal.

Patience is the key to let your tattoo heal in the best possible manner. It usually takes 3 – 4 weeks for a tattoo to heal, but depending on the size of it, the time can vary a lot. With every new season, comes new challenges of taking care of the tattoo. You will have to follow some specific rules in treating the tattoo in different seasons of the year – summer, winter and the monsoon as well. If you are not aware of how to protect your tattoo as the season changes, then our blog is going to help you out.

Let’s discuss the most useful tattoo aftercare tips during the many seasons of the year.

Tattoo Aftercare During The Summer

It is absolutely crucial to take good care of your new tattoo during the summers. It is a rough time as the summer season sets in. The rising temperatures and scorching heat is never a good sign for your new tattoo. As you may already know that tattoos fade over time, but direct sunlight and rising temperatures can make this happen quicker than expected. Just like anything else which needs care and proper maintenance, for instance your car or house, the tattoo must be taken care of. Or else it is going to fade away in the next few months.

Check out these tips that will help you take good care of your tattoo during the summers –

#1. Keep The Tattoo Covered – first things first, you have to keep your new tattoo covered at all times when going out during the summer. It is the best way to minimize the amount of sunlight that falls directly on your tattoo. The harmful UV rays from the sun can not only cause the tattoo to fade but affects the skin in general. If your tattoo is just a few days old, then you must use a loose cloth to cover the tattoo while going out. This will not be an issue covering a tattoo on your hand or leg. But it gets tricky when the tattoo is on your torso or at the back. Loose shirts and cotton leggings are good options for both men and women. However, don’t use a tattoo sunscreen before the tattoo has got at least 2-3 weeks of healing time. Or else the sunscreen can be harmful.

#2. Moisturize The Tattoo – one of the best ways in which you can allow your skin to heal is by keeping it moisturized. When the skin is soft and supple, the tattoo heals quickly. Use a premium and unscented lotion for this purpose. It is during the summer that your body gets dehydrated the most. So, you have to keep your skin moisturized at all times. Dry and rough skin can lead to itchiness and redness. This makes it even more uncomfortable to deal with a brand new tattoo because you cannot scratch it. Thus, you must moisturize a tattoo.

#3. Keep Yourself Hydrated – the rate at which your tattoo is going to heal depends on how well you treat your body. The healthier your body is, the faster your tattoo will heal over time. During the summers, your body tends to function and loses energy a lot quicker when compared to other seasons of the year. This is because of the scorching heat and temperature. Your body loses a huge amount of fluids and it is especially true in the case of water. That is why you have to keep yourself hydrated. The right balance of fluids in the body keeps the skin moisturized. Thus, your tattoo can heal in a more efficient way during the summer. A well nourished skin leads to a glowing tattoo.

#4. Keep Away From UV rays – as we already mentioned, UV rays from the sun are one of the biggest threats to your skin. Both UVB and UVA rays can damage your skin more than you can imagine. That is why you should not let your tattoo come under direct exposure of these harmful UV rays. If you have just got a tattoo in the last few days, it is advisable that you avoid going out into direct sunlight. But, if you really have to make sure to cover the tattoo with a loose and clean cloth. Use a tattoo sunscreen only after the tattoo has healed for at least 2 – 3 weeks and has recovered quite well. Use sunscreen which has a high SPF factor because they are more effective in keeping out the harmful UV rays of the sun at all times.

#6. Eat Healthy Food Items – in order to keep your tattoo safe and in a good condition, your diet plays an important role. Yes! There are many food items which allow the skin to remain hydrated, revamps its natural glow, and keeps your metabolism in a great condition. All of that helps the tattoo to heal properly and nourishes the skin in a fantastic way. Carrots, broccoli, oranges, blueberries, pineapples and chocolate are some of the top food items which help to keep your skin fresh and radiant. Add them to your diet plan and enjoy a clear and radiant skin with a healthy glowing tattoo.

#7. Keep The Tattoo Clean – during the summers you are going to sweat the most and all the impurities accumulate over your skin. So it is essential that you keep the tattoo clean. However, you must not do that everyday. Cleaning your tattoo after every 2-3 days is ideal. Use lukewarm water and an antibacterial soap to clean all the dirt and dust from the tattoo. After cleaning the tattoo, pat it dry with a clean towel. Use a premium moisturizer to allow the skin to rehydrate and rejuvenate.

#8. Avoid Swimming or Other Sports – for the first weeks, until the tattoo heals properly, you must avoid swimming or engaging in other sports. If you go for a swim, it is going to soak the tattoo with water and that is absolutely not preferable. Also, the chemical that is present in the swimming pool may cause serious damage to the tattoo. Avoid going to the gym or playing high intensity sports like football. Why? While playing these sports, you are going to sweat a lot. All the sweat will drop down to the tattoo and prevent it from healing.

So, these are some of the top tips that you must follow to take good care of your tattoo in the summer. The summer months are rough and tedious for anyone who has a new tattoo. Make sure to follow our tips and you will be in a much better position to take care of the tattoo.

Preserve Your Beautiful New Tattoo In The Sun With These Tips

Tattoo Aftercare During Winters

One of the key ways to keep your tattoo safe during the winter is by moisturizing it really well. The chilly weather and cold winds during this time will make your skin go all dry. It will easily crack and that is not a great sign. If you have a new tattoo, it can get even more uncomfortable when your skin peels off. It is vital that you keep your skin well-moisturized throughout the winter season for the best.

Many people consider winter as the best season to get a tattoo because of the low temperature and comfortable weather conditions. However, that is your personal choice. The one thing which everyone needs to follow is the idea to keep your tattoo safe through these months.

Take a look at these amazing tips that will help you to take good care of your tattoo in winters.

#1. Avoid Soaking The Tattoo – this is a very common point that all of us probably are aware of. Soaking your brand new tattoo in the water for long periods of time, especially during the winter, can cause serious damage. It can lead to redness and constant itching. So, if you desire to take a hot bath or wonderful sauna session, put a stop to them. Let the tattoo heal for at least 3 – 4 weeks before you can go for them. Light showers are acceptable. But, make sure you immediately pat the tattooed area dry.

#2. Prefer Loose Clothing – we know how difficult it can be at times to keep yourself warm. In some areas, the temperature drops so much that several layers of clothing cannot make you feel warm. If you have a new tattoo, you must avoid wearing too many layers of cloth. It can seriously hurt the tattoo and the area around it. Also, in the first few days your tattoo is going to leak and that can stain your clothes. So, we would recommend you to wear loose clothes for the first few days. The best way to avoid such a situation is by staying indoors and keeping yourself warm initially.

#3. Keep Your Skin Moisturized – one of the most difficult tasks during the winter season is to keep your skin moisturized. Use a good quality tattoo aftercare cream lotion which will help your skin to breathe and stay nourished. Whenever you are going out, you can use a tattoo sunscreen to avoid the harmful UV rays of the sun from falling directly over the tattoo. Use a clean and loose cloth to protect it. Use the lotion at least twice a day to keep the skin well moisturized and avoid getting too dry. Keeping the skin moisturized can help you to feel less itchy and thus you won’t scratch it.

#4. Don’t Pick The Tattoo – as the winter season sets in, the skin around the tattoo gets very itchy and you feel the urge to scratch it. But, you must resist this and avoid picking the tattoo. After a few weeks, you will see that scabs are coming off the tattoo. This is a normal process which indicates that the skin around the tattoo is healing. Don’t pick on the scabs and peel them off. This can cause very serious damage to your skin or leave behind a scar that curbs down the tattoo appearance.

These are some of the top tips that you can keep in mind when treating your tattoo during the winter. Make sure to follow our tips and allow your tattoo to heal properly with time.

Final Words – taking good care of a tattoo is an intensive and tedious task for most of the time. There are a lot of things you need to be fully aware of and follow some specific rules in order to help the tattoo heal naturally. The whole healing process can take at least 3-4 weeks to complete. Even after that, the underlying layers of the skin can take a few more weeks to heal completely. Read our blog thoroughly and check out all the details that we have shared with you today. We hope you will be able to take good care of your tattoo!