Monday - March 31,2025

4 Things You Must Avoid For Your Tattoo

Taking right care of a fresh tattoo isn’t hard, but there are some ways in which you do it wrong. While you can carry out all the activities that you generally engage in, but there are also many things you need to stay away from. This is only to make sure that the tattoo is always in a good condition. It takes about 3 – 4 weeks for a brand new tattoo to properly heal, so till then, take a look at these 4 things that you would want to avoid.

  • Sunlight – Letting direct sunlight get in your fresh tattoo can severely harm the tattoo and lead to fading of the ink. You are going to risk the tattoo ink getting bleached and it can even develop blisters if the location gets too much sunlight for too long. Once the healing process is slowly coming along, and your scabs have come off, you can apply a tattoo sunscreen. This will keep your tattoo safe at all times from the harmful UV rays of the sun.

  • Removing the wrapper – as soon as your tattoo artist has finished doing the tattoo, he/she is going to wrap it with a thin film. This is done to prevent the tattoo from getting exposed to the dust and dirt. So, you must keep it like that for a specific period of time. Your tattoo artist will tell you the right time when you can remove the wrapper. Don’t peel it off too early or very late. You must be careful of the timing. Listen to the artist and follow the instructions they give regarding this.

  • Excessive Sweating – if you have the tendency to sweat a lot, it can be a difficult time for you to take care of the tattoo. Too much sweat will not allow the tattoo to heal properly. You need to let the tattoo dry and only then it can heal over time. Avoid engaging yourself in strenuous activities like playing any sport or visiting the gym. Excessive moisture is never a good sign for the tattoo healing process.

  • Shaving – running a sharp blade over a brand new tattoo just does not seem to be right. Apart from causing serious damage to the sensitive area, it can also take off any of the healing scabs. Let the tattoo heal properly for at least 4-5 weeks before you run a razor through the tattoo. You must consult the tattoo artist and double check if it’s alright to use a razor. The artist will be able to determine how much the tattoo has healed and if you can shave it.


Final Words – your tattoo is a fresh wound and that is why you have to pay good attention to it. You must allow it to heal naturally and do all the things right during this healing process. If you want to buy a new tattoo sunscreen, visit and check out their wonderful collection right now.